
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A gorgeous weekend - filled with 'the arts'

My recent trip 'up north' was a terrific reminder that, 
in some communities,
 the visual arts are not only supported 
but celebrated.
 Evanston was hosting a street festival downtown 
devoted to the arts programs in all their school - 
whole blocks closed off -
and projects proudly displayed.
The area teeming with children and their families
all oohing and ahhing over their creations.

Here are some of my favorites!
the Totems -
created from paper-mache milk bottles,

tribal masks,
 and terrific colorful villages - 
made from paint chip strips.
(An idea I intend to copy soon for myself!)

Between the sun, a lake breeze 
and catching up with some of the littles 
I see far too infrequently,
it was a wonderful day.

After a family dinner with even more people I love

some of us had a big decision to make...
choices, choices...

Guess which way they went?

 a lotus blossom, 
symbolizing life, death and rebirth
 and a memorial for his cousin, Mark.
His birth and death years will be added 
at a later date.
No, I didn't get one.
I'm saving mine for after the Camino -
and then I'll get a scallop shell on my foot,
reminding me to walk 'the way' in faith.

I was just there to document their adventures,
lend moral support
and protect them from the troll in the waiting room
smoking a huge joint...
OK, so the guy was really eating beef jerky...
first glances can be deceiving 
and they were nervous.

All was well.
Despite some folks surprise that
'a mom' had gone ahead 
and gotten inked!

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