
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trust me;

I know I’m not the first person who ever planned to retire  
(Can you tell how controlled my life is when I think 10 months ‘notice’ is precipitous?) 

I’m a ‘boomer’ -
there are literally millions of us 
facing this issue every year…

but knowing that 
doesn’t necessarily translate 
to being comfortable with it 
or thinking it’s a good idea – 
for me!

our mothers practically invented 
the reality check phrase – 
If all your friends were jumping
 off the roof, 
does that mean
YOU should do it!?”)
The minute I decided on a retirement date 
(March 15th, 2014) 
and said it out loud, 
it was so frightening 
that I wanted to walk it back 
immediately …

I was still on a vacation ‘high’; 
it was jet lag; 
it was an exaggerated period of 
post vacation return to work syndrome.
After all, I’d heard God – 
clearly I was delusional. 

Do these voices happen to everyone who decides to retire - 
or only us crackpots who do it in response to what God is telling us? 

Even though I KNOW in my heart of hearts – 
and even further south, 
in my gut – 
that it's the right decision, 
a whole litany of disparaging voices 
started clamoring in my head. 

It’s a terrible mistake; 
you don’t have enough   any money saved; 
you’ll be the old lady, sitting in the cold house, 
who has to eat dry cat food 
because she’s so poor;
what if your ‘plans’ don’t work out – 
your ‘plans’ have gone awry before, you know - 
what if you tell everyone 
and then, 
for some reason, 
you renege on Gods plan 
and change our mind, 
you'll look really foolish 

well, you get the point.

At the peak of the internal clamor
a friend walked in my door, 
carrying an unexpected gift -
a bookmark she saw
on a recent trip to New Orleans 
that made her think of me.
Clearly it was our shared vocation
and not shared high cheekbones
or decolletage
that brought the resemblance to mind!

I  have been a Social Worker
since 1971 - 
and I've never heard of this Saint Louise chick!

She's done such a great job 
of "maintaining her boundaries"
(always a big deal with us)
that she's been virtually invisible.

Flipping the card over to read more about her,
I was particularly struck by the last sentence!

Funny, the voices have gone back into hiding - 
at least for now!

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