despite all the political nonsense which can consume any given day,
life goes on.
The endless cycle of working, talking to loved ones,
planning visits, enjoying beauty, meeting friends for dinner,
as well as the general upkeep that goes along with aging -
going to the doctors, taking medication,
getting xrays, going to physical therapy,
paying bills,
calling the tree man when a huge branch of your giant pin oak
threatens to come crashing down on a neighbors house ...
oh wait, maybe that's just me.
I've been doing all the usual,
as well as taking my first trip of the summer back to Rosebud;
working for a week with friends
who are committed to being present and being of service;
learning from people whose lives have been so different from ours
and yet, in every respect that matters, exactly the same.
It's a long way there
but the drive gives me plenty of time to reflect and look back
while moving forward ...
a fine way to pass the time.
I appreciate that folks on either coast think of this as 'flyover land'.
Frankly, they don't know what they're missing.
I see beauty,
no matter what the view.
The sky is as much a part of the topography out there as any 'land feature'.
I could spend hours watching different cloud formations and fronts move through.
You don't exactly think 'water falls' when you think of Nebraska.
(to give you an idea of scale).
It wasn't all a walk in nature.
We did some building.
We entertained royalty.
Little Miss Rodeo.
We listened to our Elders.
We looked for beauty in the simple things.
We did some deconstructing.
It was, as usual, a great week.
Can't wait to go back in August!
Although, home has its attractions too.
18 months,
going on 5!
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