Saturday, May 6, 2017

The high road

I'm taking the high road on all that's happened this week - 
but only because I don't have all the words yet 
for how disheartening it's been. 

I'm headed to Chicago this weekend
so I'll have several hours of drive time 
to sort out what I want to say - 
if anything.
 I'll be taking two copies of this
to my 4 favorite fearless women in the making
 and celebrating the accomplishments of this one - 
before she heads off to backpack in Europe and then graduate school!
Where have the years gone?
In the meantime,
I'll stick to sharing a wonderful sentiment that found its way to me 
through all the noise of the shenanigators in DC ...
 (btw, if Webster doesn't recognize that word yet, it should!)

"If grief can be a doorway to love,
then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart,
so we can love it back to wholeness again."

Robin Wall Kimmerer

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