Sunday, February 25, 2018

A heady mix, indeed

Youthful exuberance
The passion of a ‘just cause’
A growing understanding that life isn’t fair 
Increasing Rage because it should be
First - or second hand – trauma
The whole gestalt of news and print media fixated on their every word.

I can only hope the teenagers in FLA are also surrounded
by grounded adults 
who will help them through their grief,
and comfort them 
when the enormity of the obstacles they’re up against starts to dawn.

It simply doesn’t take one week of protests
to change decades of policy;
even what feels like a tipping point
can be swung back 
with the other heady mix
of money, power and tradition.

Attention by the press doesn’t make you an activist;
it may be a start;
but it takes years of showing up to vote 
in every election,
decades of life choices about vocation, 
how to spend your money,
what you value and honor with your time,
the people with whom you surround yourself etc.
Not only the intrinsic sadness of the situation 
but recognition of the monolith
 that keeps us imprisoned 
in a death loving culture
has been exhausting to witness this week

I am SO far removed from their innocence and passion…
living proof today that life can wear you down.

My heart aches.

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