Monday, March 23, 2015


I know I've not posted here as often as in the past...
I've thought about it,
does that count?

I'm finding my way at work,
getting more sure of my role,
what I want to accomplish
and how to do it!

The whole executive, decision making, 
working full time part of my brain 
has been reactivated - 
and the lyrical, more contemplative side 
has been left in the dust - 
or at least finding expression in different ways.

I've been doing improv, acting and writing with a group
painting furniture -
a huge old red bookshelf 
that always seemed to loom so large
has been rejuvenated and muted 
at the same time -
and I love it!

Signs of spring have popped up -
almost without my conscious awareness.

There's change afoot
for family members 
and myself.

Things going on that I can only catch glimpses of

and which haven't fully developed enough to even talk about.

Life is happening here
and it's all unfolding as it was meant to.

Life is good.

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