Tuesday, May 25, 2021

When a tumor isn't a tumor

Just an update on the medical saga: 
full history (here).
I've seen 2 more docs, of various persuasions,
had more diagnostic/radiological studies,
another cortisol shot, 
after having 35ccs of fluid drained from my knee
and the final diagnosis -
it wasn't a tumor; it was a bleb.
A burst Bakers cyst with the fluid traveling downward, 
mixing with blood from a rather rare intramuscular bleed
and, because of my pre-existing auto immune issues, 
my body mobilized for Iowa Jima, 
sending massive amounts of blood cells to the area to fight off infection,
causing the collection to harden 
and creating bone marrow edema - 
which I can attest hurts like hell 
since extra cells/fluid are trapped inside the marrow 
with nowhere else to go
causing bone pain.

Long story short:
not a tumor,
just a cascading series of bizarre events
with a projected long recovery;
yes, even longer than the 2+ months its already been.

Art camp continues to lift my spirits and occupy my mind;
working on a mixed media piece called
"Still Life in a Potters Studio";
a few flowers will be added when composition finalized

and, as always,
altering 'cabinet cards' makes me smile -
and I'll take any opportunity to do that!
I'm off for a massage - and to pick up 2 jars of CBD ointment for my knee.
If that doesn't work, I might just resort to edibles instead!

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