Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Get your mind out of the gutter...

is it all the way out?
Good, then I'll say it...

I LOVE prickly things!

There's such beauty in things which appear all spiky and dangerous to be near - and, no, this isn't a segue-way to discussing Motorcycle Man!

This is just to admit that I've had a wonderful time with my camera lately taking pictures of the wild thistles growing down by the RR tracks. And, while I think having them in MY yard is not a good idea with a dog who's basically made of velcro, it makes them all the more appealing to only see them sporadically - and usually from afar!

I've settled for a domesticated version in my yard - Cleome, or spider flower.
Same effect, similar color hue - a gorgeous substitution.

They're NOT good cut flowers since they have an odd smell, but they self seed, come back every year and are very showy!


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