Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Literally within minutes of posting yesterday, 
I was in the car, 
on an unexpected errand 
and heard an interview on NPR 
with Sylvia Boorstein - 
practicing Buddhist psychotherapist 
and practitioner of mindfulness -
 talking about how she deals with the demons in her head.

Here's her wonderful response.

Then my own good heart, 
out of compassion, 
takes care of me. 
It all happens 
when I am able to say to myself 
(I honestly do use these very words),

“Sweetheart, you are afraid and in pain. 
Take a breath. 
Let’s pay attention to what is happening. 
Then we’ll figure out what to do.”

OK - 
maybe I'm not quite ready to
joyously jump 
into the fog of the unknown...

but I'm still breathing
figuring out what to do - 

and that has to count
for something! 

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