Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekend plans

may have just been knocked out by an Influenza B induced sinus infection... 
which pisses me off since I got the damn flu shot required by the hospital!

I was sent home sick yesterday and hoped that couch sleeping while under the influence of OTC medicine would knock it out... no such luck.

But I refuse to miss the last weekend in October by sitting in the house.
While I won't risk exposing friends to the flu by going to parties tonight
I WILL be taking my camera
and having some solo outdoor time... 

at least until I get too tired to stand
or too stuffed up to breathe!

HAVE to get better this week since I have a road trip scheduled 
next weekend to see family 'Up North' -
in Michigan!

THIS vintage book cracks me up!
Anyone else think "Mom" looks slutty? Is that why she's in the back seat??
Is this single Dad, taking his two smiling darlings (clearly not safety belted in) to spend the weekend with his mistress??
What WERE Rand and/or McNally thinking when they commissioned the illustration for this one?

Have fun pondering this as you drive around running errands this morning... and you know you will!
You're welcome.

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