Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Then there was one...

GI Joe and fiancee have returned to the ocean-less Midwest and Art Boy left yesterday morning for the Big Apple to visit friends, see old haunts and take in current museum and gallery offerings... leaving me to my own devices on the island.

And, while I felt all kinds of sadness (as I always do when having to find my own rhythm after being surrounded again by my 'kids'),  the hours (even the rain filled ones) passed in delightful ways and ended in a blaze of glory!

The beach may have LOOKED empty to outside eyes

but don't be fooled, there were plenty of people on it...

 ... our ancestors move along with us, in underground rivers and springs too deep for chaos to reach...

that's why they seem like simpler times.

Trust me, I wasn't alone although I was by myself.

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