Saturday, September 21, 2013

An Artists Dozen

My son is an artist – have I told you that before? 
 An honest to Pete, living in a reclaimed warehouse, 
” painting is his happy place” artist. 

He shares his vision whether anyone gets it or not; 
his art isn’t ‘commercial’ 
will rarely match a couch 
and won't be found over a mantle with matching candlesticks on either side. 

 I couldn’t be more proud of him. 
He is - and always has been - an original. 
No ‘cookie cutter’ kids in my life! 
 His willingness and courage to live on the margins 
inspires me to do the same – well, MY version, 
since we all have to be the artists of our own lives! 

 While I drive to Iowa this morning to see the latest addition to our family, 
I thought it would be fun to share some of his work, 
some of the titles of his pieces 
and see if you can match them up. 

 (Three are really easy – basically giveaways. 
Hey, I know it’s the weekend and you don’t want to work very hard. 
 You’re welcome.) 

1. Ridiculously Flawed Painting (from start to finish), This is the Constipation C.K. and I Talked About.

2. Friends Entangled With Enemies, Enemies Entangled With Friends, This is Confusion, Friends Entangled With Friends, This is Not Confusion.

3. Handcrafted Reminder of Stupidly Large American Style Vanities, is Mine, Yours, Ours.

4. This is A Painting of a Painting, That From Here On Out I Will Pretend My Friend, The Painter John Wesley, Made Specifically For Me On the Occasion of my 35th Birthday. Thanks John!

5. Piece of My Studio Floor: Stretched the Day After My Van Died: Signs Signs Everywhere There's Signs, SuperBowl Sunday Sunday Sunday.

6. Unnameable Feelings

7. Painting with a Forgotten Title, After Courbet's Friend's Lady, with a Green Glove.

8. Life List

9. Maps, Who Needs Maps (The StageCoach Painting)

10. My Depressive Sloth Bathing in a River of Love.

11. Sophisticated Painting #1: Hey Ladies

12. Hamburger Hot Dog Stained Glass DoubleStack

 For more of his work, go here.

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