Monday, September 29, 2014


I'll admit it was the name that got me first:
Strange Folks Festival
and then the location:
rural Illinois.

What would that even look like?
Farmers who didn't wear bib overalls?
Farmwives tarted up with lip rouge?

THIS I had to see for myself - 
and I'm so glad I did!

There were peaceful places of respite 
for kids and adults alike

and vendors selling repurposed, 
re-imagined items.

I saw mostly 'normal people':
if by normal you include   
older 'hippies' and the newer generations versions 
tatted, pierced and with rainbow hair -
which I do!

People who value hand produced crafts 
over commercially made,

and old, 
with a twist.
In short - 
my tribe!

If these folks are strange,
then the world needs more just like them

It was wonderful; 
can't wait to go again next year!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Totally Smitten

I know they say they were written for children - 
but, Sweet Baby Jesus,
I love these books!

The whole series - 
but especially Emma, Pride and Prejudice 
and Jane Eyre.

I'm fascinated with taking a 'classic'
and reducing it to 12 words.

I knew immediately upon seeing these board books,
that I'd own a set...
grandchildren or not!

I started with this one - 
and will be adding the others - 
hopefully, as Christmas or birthday gifts.
For under $10.00,
they're a steal!
I've also spent considerable time 
wondering what dozen words would be used
if MY story was reduced 
to this format!
What would YOUR words be?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Trick or treat

Ever since I saw this picture a few years ago,
I KNEW the day would come 
when I'd use this idea for a Halloween costume!

Well, this is the year!
and this is my version...
All I need now is the mask and a cape...

Guess who'll be going to Johnnie Brocks this weekend?

Monday, September 22, 2014


doesn't become me.
I've not been doing it purposefully;
its felt more like protecting the unknown.

It still does,
but this is my space
and it wouldn't be fully mine 
if I didn't say what's going on
in my life.

10 days ago,
I posted an application for Missionary service 
(through our National Church); 
indicating I would consider 
either an overseas posting
or a position in the States.

I heard from the Director on Friday - 
both Ecuador and a reservation stateside are in the mix
and my resume is being 'shopped around' 
to Bishops throughout the world.

Once again,
I'm equal measures of terrified and excited;
but I've been here before 
with the whole "hearing from God to change my life, 
retiring, leaving a career of 35 years and
walking the Camino thing"...

and that was exactly the right thing to do.

'International service' is the last item 
on the mental 'bucket list' I made in high school;
at the time, I thought it would be through the Peace Corps,
but working for the church I love seems to be a better fit.

We'll see...
I better get back to practicing my Spanish!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Suddenly, it's fall!

The Vintage Fair made me realize that Christmas will be here before I know it -
but I need to enjoy FALL first!

So, out came the boxes with all the Halloween and pumpkin decorations 
and now my house is ready!
(Don't you LOVE Traders Joe's flowers?)

More than ready actually; 
I'm trying to get each 'season' down to one box of decorations 
so the house isn't so overwhelmingly 
fall, Christmas, spring, Easter, etc...

you get the drift, right?

But, when you're a collector,
(repeat after me, 
I am NOT a hoarder, I am NOT a hoarder...)
it's hard!

These are all favorites I 'cherry picked' from the boxes downstairs...

The items that didn't make the cut this year
will be auctioned off at a church event/fundraiser for Missions!

Just because I don't want them anymore 
doesn't mean someone else won't!

Win/win as far as I'm concerned!

Friday, September 19, 2014

In a word...

Thank God for retirement - 
and being able to go on the first day!

What FUN!

SO much to tempt;
so many great ideas...

Not that I need anything else!

But if I did, 
THIS wreath would have come home with me!
or maybe THIS one -
 with this one for my bedroom!
AND this one with lights for my brother in law -
OMG, this has his name written all over it!
Did someone say Santa?
Here ya go!
I reframed from all but bits and bobs that I'll use for making Christmas gifts
but I was sorely tempted!

Am already excited for the next one!

At least with antiquing and flea marketing its recycling -
and re-creating!

I'll show you MY creations as I make them!