Sunday, September 14, 2014

I need to remember that it took less than 3 hours.

I testified last week;
well, gave a deposition which is as close as...

its under oath, 
there's a defense attorney whose job is to question everything you did and said 
or didn't do or didn't say;
anything to make you feel as much of an idiot as he can 
in the shortest period of time.

The good news? 
Since my ego isn't closely tied to my job anymore,
I didn't care what he thought about the job I had done, 
so his baiting didn't work.

The bad news?
Just reviewing the chart, 
re-immersing myself in the pathology
remembering the kind of situations I worked with
triggered a headache which has lasted for 4 days.

Note to self:
whenever you miss the financial security 
the hospital offered,
remember the price you paid for that check...
and be glad you escaped.

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